Insight Meditation

Insight Meditation, also known as Vipassana or Mindfulness Meditation (as taught by the Buddha over 2600 years ago), is simply the practice of “moment to moment” mindful attention. You are not required to sit in any uncomfortable postures or chant mantras. It is not an attempt to “turn off” or “suppress” or “stop” your mind from thinking.

During the meditation session of our sangha (meditation group) gatherings, you will be directed to practice various meditation techniques that involve focusing your attention on particular aspects of your experience (i.e. body sensations, breath, feelings, thought, etc.) while cultivating an attitude of complete acceptance and awareness of your experiences.

This awareness leads to new insights that assist you in more fully accepting the ups and downs life inevitably brings. As insight deepens, you develop a greater sense of peace and equanimity in the face of change. Wisdom and compassion increasingly become the guiding principles of your life.

New to meditation?

If you would like to try out insight meditation at home, check out our guided meditations. We offer both streaming audio and downloadable audio files of guided meditations. You will be guided through the meditation process as you listen to the audio.

Meditation FAQ

If you have any other questions about meditation, check out this excellent Meditation FAQ put together by renowned teacher Tara Brach. You’ll find answers to some of the top questions people have about meditation, such as these:

  • How do I quiet my mind and not get lost in thought?
  • What should I do if I feel restless or bored?
  • What if I feel like giving up meditation?

You’ll find helpful answers to these and many other common questions about mindfulness meditation.

See the Meditation FAQ »